WNCC opened her gates as she welcomed returning students and new students for the 2023/2024 academic session. While about 55% of the students’ body of WNCC are at our Satellite centers across the country and outside the country, the total number of WNCC students’ body as at the time of the orientation for the 2023/2024 academic session stood at 104 students. 80 of those students are enrolled for the Diploma in Christian Ministry and 24 for the Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry.
Every new academic year WNCC picks a theme that sets the community on course for the activities—both spiritually and otherwise. Having considered the theme—ITEDA, an acronym for Integrity, Teamwork, Excellence, Discipline, and Accountability for a decade now, the theme for the 2023/2024 academic school year is “Nuggets of Wisdom from Proverbs.” This theme was prayerfully selected as the way we project to go this academic year.
The need for wisdom within our community cannot be overemphasized especially in the times we find ourselves. Our world is going the way of folly and heading towards imminent destruction. There is a need therefore, to stand out and be guided by the nuggets of wisdom gleaned from the book of Proverbs. The book of Proverbs is instructive for leading a life guided by principles and ideals that have been proven to guide the simple into the way of wisdom and a life that is characterized by discernment.
At the start of the academic year we set out the activities that stand as goals we desire to accomplish by the end of the academic year. Evangelism stands at the hub of all our spiritual activities and our commitment to that ideal remains resolute through our various evangelistic channels—weekly evangelism, door-to-door evangelism, hospital evangelism, prisons evangelism, congregational evangelism, weekly virtual Discipleship Training, bi-weekly Discipleship Training Outreach to congregations, as well as our monthly open-air outreach. We are also resolved to seeing our affiliation process with the University of Ibadan to its finality as we desire to have that in the bag as we prepare for our 25th Anniversary.
We covet your prayers and goodwill as we begin the new academic year and pray for God’s very best this academic year.