Year one classes are being rounded up and revision for year two class has been scheduled via zoom. Year two final exams are scheduled for the second week in June. Year one exams are slated for the fourth week in June. We have subscribed to Class Marker online platform to enable us conduct the virtual exams. Please check out the details of this platform from www.classmaker.com
We have equally commissioned a web designer to design a complete program to drive the degree program online. We urgently need the platform for prospective candidates who have indicated interest in the program to start registering. The design will cost us #250,000 and your help in accomplishing this asap will be highly appreciated.
In the midst of the lockdowns as a result of the need to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, poverty that has remained pervasive became intensified as those who earn their living on daily basis were not able to go to work. The palliative promised by government was not forthcoming and where it was available, was politized. Prices of food stuffs skyrocketed. There was much hunger in the land. People were actually dying of hunger than the pandemic. Daily workers, children and elderly ones were most vulnerable. As the people of God within the community, we cannot just close our eyes to these sufferings. Following the footsteps of our Lord, who saw people in deplorable condition; condition that dishonors God that created them and had compassion on them, we could not afford to do otherwise. WNCC was empowered by the generosity of brethren from the United States, superintended, by Chad Wagner, the President of African Christian Schools Foundation, to provide succor for our neighbors and ministers. The palliatives made up of rice (6 bags), beans (3 bags), eggs (70 crates), groundnut oil (5 packs) and salt (2 bags of 70 sachets each) were packaged for 64 families in six villages and ministers of churches of Christ in Abeokuta. The recipients were full of gratitude to the donors praying that their coasts be enlarged and their heavenly reward be assured.
Even amidst Covid 19 pandemic and the lockdown that came with it, the kingdom of Satan is being decimated to the advantage of the Body of Christ. The Campus church welcomes Sister Janet Akpan on board to the family of God. She got baptized on the 17 of May, 2020 to the glory of God.
Timothy Udofia Emmanuel hails from Akwa-Ibom but resides in Lagos. He is a member of Church of Christ, he was baptized in 2019 and got to know about WNCC through his preacher, Bro Godwin Ekpodipko.
He is a graduating student in the diploma program of West Nigeria Christian College and school of biblical studies, Abeokuta, currently on top of his class. He wishes to continue his studies in West Nigeria Christian college to obtain a degree in Ministry. He also wishes to be a preacher and an elder later in life. WNCC exists to recruit and quip Timothy and other young Timothys like him for ministry and a life of service in the kingdom. The harvest is ripe while labourers are in short supply. With your support, you can be part of what the Lord is doing to raise workers for the kingdom through the ministry of WNCC.
Twenty-two years old Arison is from Sapele LGA, Delta state. He was formerly a Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) member, who heeded the true gospel and was baptized into the church of Christ on the 7th of march 2014. He was encouraged to attend West Nigeria Christian college and School of Biblical Studies, Abeokuta.
He is a graduating student of WNCC who has indicated interest to continue his studies in Bible to obtain higher degrees (BA, MA and PhD). He has inclination for preaching and wishes to become a congregational preacher hence his reason for being in WNCC.