The Nigerian Christian Bible College (NCBC) remains an institution committed to a high academic and moral excellence in preparing students to develop their total being. Driven by Christian service, the college exists to provide vast opportunities for academic excellence in the training of preachers, teachers and missionaries for the service of the church and government in the entire Nigerian society and beyond. We must remain thankful to the African Christian Schools Foundation (ACSF), for their continued support and sponsorship to NCBC.
Nigerian Christian Bible College is a private Christian institution committed to a high academic and moral excellence in preparing students to develop their total being. The overall mission of the college states that “Nigerian Christian Bible College exists to provide opportunities for academic excellence in the training of preachers, teachers and missionaries for the service of the church and government in the entire Nigerian society and beyond.”
NCBC’s new administration started work on June 1, 2020. This report covered major activities/works done in the months of June and July, 2020 under various headings.
Course syllabi on the ministerial program were completed and would be printed, kept in the library for students’ use.
Efforts were on top gears towards producing the Degree syllabi and students’ handbook in line with the University of Calabar specifications. Work is on-going on the NCBC staff handbook.
The major construction work within the months of June and July, 2020 is on the female hostel. Great work has been done in the hostel. Thanks to ACSF for the construction funds. The hostel was reroofed before the new administration came on board.
Between June and July we were able to construct a good septic tank for the hostel. The capacity can last for many years.
Good plumbing facilities and three toilets have been installed completely.
The showers at the bathrooms have been installed.
Six good iron doors have been installed.
Fifteen (15) Aluminium windows have been installed.
The Direct Image printer/photocopier was purchased within the period. This equipment would help the college in such areas as printing of newsletters, tracts, and other official documents where necessary. The secretaries were trained on the use of the photocopier/printer.
On crop production at present, we have been able to plant 1800 stands of cucumber and 700 stands of tomatoes.
With regard to the poultry, the management has set-up a five-man committee to work with the farm manager to ensure adequate productivity. Proposal and profit projections are being prepared by the farm manager in collaboration with the committee in order to be certain of a growing poultry venture. The next batch of production will kick off in the next two weeks.
Plumbing work and some repairs were done within this period. Plumbing and carpentry work at the provost’s house has already been completed.
Within the period covered by this report, the new administration was able to visit different preachers’ forums, alumni of the college, and other well meaning brethren with the intent of raising people’s interest on the college and equally for recruitment of students. The new administration was able to visit about five preachers’ forums within Akwa Ibom State. So far, about ten students have been examined as entrance examinations began on July 18, 2020. Brother Uyai Joshua would send some of the pictures of our visits.
Once again, we must remain thankful to the African Christian Schools Foundation (ACSF), for their continued support and sponsorship to NCBC. We promise to continue to make sure that the mission of NCBC is achieved. God bless you.
Joe, N. Obinna. Provost