The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is the only hope for man’s salvation. For us at WNCC, we prayerfully mapped out a blueprint for evangelism this year, and we are grateful to God for bringing fruition to our plans and using us as vessels for his Great Commission.

At the beginning of the year, we mapped out areas within our relational map wherein we took the gospel to for the period of 4 weeks in an intensive two-day open-air evangelism outreach. We began at the village—Kajola, a village that has a strong tie with the college and has existed even longer than the college. Kajola as a congregation has been in the relational map of the college, as through the efforts of the college, the congregation had her meeting place and receives support from the college. We visited this congregation to help strengthen members with the Four-Fields Discipleship Model and through this effort, the congregation was equipped with the tools to better evangelize in her context, and, a soul was added to fellowship.

The second area within our relational map was Mile-6. Like Kajola, the congregation at Mile-6 has a close tie with the college as she continues to benefit from the college in edification, benevolence, and, evangelism. In a two-day intensive outreach, members gathered and were taught the Four-Fields Discipleship Model and we spoke at length to the community on the need for them to be reconciled to their maker. At the end of the two-day evangelism outreach, we counted our gains in the membership that have been handed tools to effectively minister and win souls for their savior.

The third area we visited was Kemta-Idi Aba. Like the congregations mentioned above, Kemta-Idi Aba has a strong tie with the college and she continues to benefit from the graduates of the college and even accommodates the college’s part-time center here in Abeokuta. We spent a day at Kemta utilizing the Four-Fields Discipleship Model and at the end of the outreach, we counted our gains in the two souls added to the kingdom, as well as in the membership acquainted with the tools to deploy within their relational map.

The last area we covered was Obasha village. The congregation at Obasha began as an extension of the congregation at Mile-6 to help a brother who couldn’t worship regularly to worship in the comfort of his compound. Today, we have the congregation grown to have her own meeting place in the village due to the efforts of the college, as well as have an instructor of the college serve as the preacher of the congregation. At Obasha we spent a day there and congregants as well as visitors were taught the Four-Fields Discipleship Model.

As we count our gains in the first month of the year, we pray God to continue to enlarge the coast of his kingdom through the various ministries of the college. Thank you for your continued support.
