West Nigeria Christian College (WNC) and SBS is a college that seeks to develop students to be the very best they can be in servant leadership and academic qualification. We seek to raise individuals who are properly equipped for effective ministry, and are global Christians wherever they go. Over time, WNCC has raised and is raising students, and many have stood out in their role as Christian mentors in various settings. We are particularly pleased to share in their successes. Our student spotlight for this period is a student that is dear to us. This student has shown resilience, devotion, commitment, and faithfulness to the Lord in uncommon times.

Asuquo Iquo joined WNCC as a young lady. She studied to become one of the very best among her peers. As a student in the diploma class, she dedicated herself, notwithstanding her gender as a female, to understanding the Word and committing it unto faithful others who will in turn teach others. She was happily married and through her marriage, she served the Lord and traveling ministers whom she happily provided hospitality to on their trips for the Lord. She has contributed immensely to Christian literature as she sees that as her niche for service to the Lord and his kingdom. Over time, she has written several Christian works of literature for children and teenagers and has spearheaded Christian ministries for children and teenagers in congregations across the South-West region of Nigeria. Her titles include: Gold for Women of God (2012), Gold for Children of God (2015), and The Wise Bible Quiz (2020). She has been a Christian servant for the church at Mile 6, Abeokuta, where she placed her membership. Through her, the church has been able to groom her sisters to serve in their capacities in leadership at their level. She has demonstrated Christian disciplines and values as a writer, teacher, mentor, and advocate for the Lord’s kingdom. In her capacity as a Christian woman, she has demonstrated a life that shows forth the fruits of the Spirit—love for the brethren, joy in trying times, peace to sisters when they are troubled and need spiritual guidance, longsuffering to mentoring young sisters and teaching children, faithfulness to the Lord’s work for about a decade now, etc.

Through her Christian works of literature, she has shown in-depth knowledge of God’s words and applied it across various settings with children and young sisters in the church. In her ability as an author of Christian literature, she has shown over the years that God has a word for everyone—be it children or young sisters. She has bridged the gap assumed by many that the work of God was given exclusively to Christian males. Academically, she has decided to not rest on her laurels as she has taken up our Bachelor of Arts Degree in Christian Ministry. While she was considering this degree, she inquired from one of our instructors about what benefits a degree in Christian Ministry posed for a Christian Sister who does not have the privilege to assume the role of a minister in a congregation in a paid capacity. The instructor encouraged her on the benefits a degree in Christian Ministry poses for anyone willing to work for the master. After several thoughts, she decided to take on the challenge and she may just be the very first female graduate of our College in the Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry. Sis. Asuquo has shown resilience and a penchant to learn. We have no ounce of doubt in our hearts that as she continues to learn she will be a global Christian wherever she finds herself.

WNCC applauds her transformational contributions to the kingdom. As a role model, her story inspires faith and helps emerging women leaders grasp their dignity and potential found in Christ. We recognize the contributions that she has made to WNCC as an Officer in the Registrar’s Office and the Lord’s kingdom, helping us model for all graduates the impact that Christian women can make through their ministries as we work for the Lord.